Slot Machine For Visual Basic Using Windows Form
Today in C#, i will teach you how to create a program called Slot Machine Game. Now, let's start this tutorial! Let's start with creating a Windows Form Application in C# for this tutorial by following the following steps in Microsoft Visual Studio: Go to File, click New Project, and choose Windows. In visual basic the SUB means a function so we start with a sub and end the sub to determine where it starts or ends. Inside it we will start adding our values. Private Sub Button1Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click slotA = 1. The appeal of slot machines is undeniable. Ringing bells, flashing lights and other audio-visual effects generate excitement, signaling big wins and patrons getting lucky, seemingly in every corner of the casino. The themes of today’s machines appeal to our fascination with celebrity, mythology, fantasy and wealth, too.
hi pls I need someones help. i am not good at programming and i have this subject ; but i am a BSBA major. it is like free section for me and i want to learn it to so i can be flexible. but this project is getting all my soul. We where told to create a game using a C# . a very simple game . then the prof listed games to pick like snake, tictactoe, etc. i picked the slot machine figuring that i already thought that its using timer , and bunch of if statements so i picked it. I am already done with the timer part and pictures part but the if statement is what i have been troubled. i dont know what to do. i thought that its only if pic1.image pic2.image. /// so on so forth.....
can you help me i want it to be when the picturebox hit lets say 3 banana the amount bet is multiplied.... here i will post my codes as well as a linked to download my project.... i really badly need some1 help.
in the downloadable is forgot to put a on the end part of the path.
the link:
really appreciate the help.
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Slot Machine For Visual Basic Using Windows Formulas
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Jump to PostYou could do this if you create your own Image class. Something like:
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how can i delete this thread. or can som1 delete this thread pls. tnx
-->The Icon
property for a project specifies the icon file (.ico) that will be displayed for the compiled application in File Explorer and in the Windows taskbar.
The Icon
property can be accessed in the Application pane of the Project Designer; it contains a list of icons that have been added to a project either as resources or as content files.
After you set the icon property for an application, you might also set the Icon
property of each Window or Form in the application. For information about window icons for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) standalone applications, see Icon property.
To specify an application icon
In Solution Explorer, choose a project node (not the Solution node).
On the menu bar, choose Project > Properties.
When the Project Designer appears, choose the Application tab.
(Visual Basic)—In the Icon list, choose an icon (.ico) file.
C#—Near the Icon list, choose the <Browse...> button, and then browse to the location of the icon file that you want.